William E. David
I am presenting to you my interview with the poet, Mr. William David in this blog. Every response echoes Mr. William's originality. You will experience the dialogue in its truest form! I enjoyed interviewing and later putting the conversation with this extraordinary individual in the form of a blog post.
In this blog, meet Mr. William David and make it a one-of-a-kind read. Mr. William is a true maestro with words, weaving verses that delve into the depths of the human experience. In this blog, we're seeking motivation and ingenuity and exploring the limitless realms of the human spirit. I hope this read fuels your growth, whether it's in your journey as a writer or as an individual wishing to make a distinctive and impactful mark. So, sit back, grab your cup of brew, and get ready to soar beyond the ordinary and be inspired!
Shreya Mishra: Mr. William, poetry often stems from personal experiences. Every poet has a unique journey into the world of words. Can you share a moment in your life that inspired your journey into poetry?
Mr. William David: When I was a teenager, I became interested in two things: cars and girls. Later in life, my interests proved to be to my detriment. Along with my interest in girls came love notes and sometimes little love poems to try to woo a certain girl. It usually worked pretty well. That’s pretty much how I attracted my first wife. I guess the short answer to the first. The thing that inspired me was a girl.
Shreya Mishra: Poetry is often considered a calling, while practicality often calls for stability. How did you navigate the decision to follow your poetic passion?
Mr. William David: It seemed like in my early adult years I was just trying to make a living, living from paycheck to paycheck and going from one menial job to the next one. There was no time for daydreaming or thinking about being a poet. A friend of mine introduced me to the world of drafting. In the beginning, it was architectural drafting and designing. I already had an artistic vein in me; I took right to it, got very good at it, and loved the work. Once I retired, I had all the free time I needed to pursue a lifelong desire and passion. I did attempt to write a book of poetry while I was in the Army back in 1970 and 1971. It consisted of 100 poems I had written while separated from my first wife. Unfortunately, I only had the original typed manuscript, and somehow, over the years and many moves, it got lost. I had an English teacher read many of the poems, and she loved them. Now lost in time forever.
Shreya Mishra: As a retired senior engineer turned poet, your journey shifts from precision to emotion. Pursuing a passion like poetry can be seen as unconventional. Passion-driven endeavors can face skepticism from society. How do you perceive the importance of following one's passion, even if it might not align with conventional career expectations?
Mr. William David: There are a lot of things one may do to invoke skepticism, poetry being one of them. As I believe it is certainly with any art form or creative process, it’s all subjective. When it comes to seeing it through, one shouldn’t be too concerned with what others’ opinions may be. Naturally, you want people to like your work, but remember, there’s no way you’re going to please everybody. Have faith in your craft and continue to try to improve it as you progress in your journey. I think normally we all seek approval for what we do, especially those of us who take pride in what we do, but I don’t think everybody's approval is necessary. That would be unrealistic. There are a lot of people who think that they’re the only ones who are right. A lot of times, they’re just wrong.
A job can be just a job. A passion or calling is something different, something that needs to be followed. There don’t have to be any conflicts, necessarily. You may have to make sacrifices, you may need to make a plan "B,” or you may need to put your plans on hold for a while like I did. But never totally give up on your dreams and your passions.
Shreya Mishra: Many aspiring poets grapple with finding their distinctive voice. How did you discover and refine your poetic voice throughout your career?
William David: It seems that some people are just born with certain talents and skills. Some people have to work at it more than others. I was lucky. I think I have always naturally had a way of speaking. In school, I was always a straight “A” student in all my English and language classes. Once I was retired, I had plenty of time to start writing again. I wrote a lot of poems of all kinds. I guess I had a whole bunch of them pent up inside of me all those years while I was working in the engineering field, which, while I was engaged in it, was a passion of mine too because it involved design and illustration. I wanted to be one of the best I could be at it.
Shreya Mishra: As a poet who also reviews the works of others, what elements do you believe define a powerful and impactful poem?
William David: I look for a poem with a message. One that’s well crafted, as in grammar, spelling, correct punctuation, and the typical stuff, goes a long way toward making an impression on me. It shows that the author is serious about his work and takes pride in his craft. Doing some editing and proofreading will help you a lot. Then I look at the structure of the poem; some are quite interesting and innovative and can sometimes enhance the piece in some way. Most of all, I want to understand what the poem is trying to convey. Does the thing make sense, or is it too vague? Some poems seem like they’re just a bunch of disconnected lines that don’t go anywhere.
Shreya Mishra: Writing and reviewing poems requires a unique perspective. Can you share some insights into your creative routine and how you nurture your poetic voice?
William David: That is a very excellent question. For me, I think it’s darn near everything—life as a whole. The observation, the analysis, and some evaluations of life and what it’s all about. Nature inspires me; people and events inspire me; sometimes it can be an animal; really, it can be about anything, from love to hate, from peace to war.

Check out his book, Rhymes for these Tymes
Shreya Mishra: Let's talk about your poetic style. Do you have any favorite themes or literary devices you are drawn to consistently in your work?
William David: About my style, if you have read very many of my poems, I think the average person would pick up on the fact that I do indeed have one, and it is uniquely mine as far as I have ever read, and I’ve read a whole lot of poems over the past few years as a reviewer. To describe “my style,” I’d have to say, in my opinion, that it is diverse. The range of subjects that I write about is diverse: about good times and hard times, about when I was young and now when I’m old, and many more. I also like to experiment with form. Sometimes a particular form can reinforce the gravity of the poem. As diverse as the subjects may be, they are as recognizable as my poems. (I think.) Some of my favorite genres, though, are nature, observing wildlife, sociological subjects, an occasional love poem, and questions about the universe. I don’t employ any literary devices per se or that I am aware of; I usually just wait for an idea to pop into my head; it may be a title, a line or two, or even just an idea to sit down and write a poem about that idea; it varies.
Shreya Mishra: Are there specific poets or literary works that have greatly influenced your writing?
William David: Early on, when I was a kid in school, I always liked reading Edgar Allen Poe. It wasn’t so much that they were spooky and macabre; I think it was more the unmistakable rhythm his work had. There was one more poet, which is from recent times. I once read a poem by an author named Eric Luthi. He claims to be a lousy poet, but he wrote a poem, “Cold Hearth." It consists of the title and just two lines, and with just the title and those two lines, he manages to convey a whole tragic story of a failed relationship. I don’t think I could ever do that. These poets impressed me.
Shreya Mishra: In the realm of creativity, setbacks, and challenges are inevitable. Can you share an instance where you faced a creative block and how you overcame it?
William David: Creative blocks happen to me all the time. Even when all the everyday distractions are gone, I have some peace. If I sit down to do some writing and work on a poem, I will often be blocked creatively. I don’t worry about it though; the words will come whenever they come, and sooner or later they come, they always do. But there’s nothing that I've ever thought about doing to “force” me or help me write anything so far. I just have to let it come naturally, and then go with the flow.
Shreya Mishra: Mr. William, how do you feel about modern technology's impact on the art of poetry? Is there a particular aspect you appreciate or find challenging?
William David: Well, with the modern technology of today—computers, the internet, and everything else—it has created a vastly larger field of opportunity for writers of all kinds. Providing more places to submit their work and have it reviewed. More chances to place their work in front of more sets of eyes for scrutiny. Here’s a tip: don’t be afraid to take some constructive criticism. If you want to get published and share your words, you have to get them out there a lot. Try to submit to publishers that are interested in your kind of writing. The more, the better, and the better your chances become. There’s a whole wide-open cyber world out there that gives you all kinds of opportunities like publication, training, writing classes, tips, and all sorts of information. One just needs to get out there and explore the possibilities.
Shreya Mishra: Looking ahead, what aspirations do you have for your poetic journey, and how do you envision the role of poetry in your life in the coming years?
William David: My immediate aspiration is to get my book published. It is in the final stages of development by a project team at Amazon Publishing. It should be released soon. The title is “Rhymes for These Tymes." It contains 57 of my poems, some of which have accompanying photos paired with them. It will be available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kindle, and other major book retailers. I will be doing some promotion of the book for a while. But what I’m looking forward to is having some time after the book comes out to start writing some new poems and, hopefully, a second book. Only time will tell the role that poetry will play in my future.
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As I wrap up this blog, I would like all readers to remember that imaginations know no boundaries. Dear readers, keep chasing those wingless dreams, for within them lies the extraordinary. I thank, Mr. David, for teaching us that through his insights. Until our next blog, stay dreamy, stay inspired, and keep those wings aloft.

Meet Shreya, the aspiring doctor and content creator, who seamlessly weaves life-saving skills with mood-lifting narratives, creating a healing symphony through both the art of medicine and the magic of words.