In front of me lies a blank page, devoid of meaning. The cursor blinks, waiting for my thoughts to flow. It takes a while to warm up, to find the perfect start. Words come and go, erased because they don’t feel right—too long, too short, too boring, too out-of-place. With each backspace, my motivation wanes. I pause, letting a wave of melancholy wash over me. Suddenly, inspiration strikes. As the music plays, I begin to describe the sound: brittle strings and a stained glass piano waltz in an abandoned mansion, its former glory enshrouded in spider webs and fine dust. I start to outline this imagined world, knowing it will soon become a fully fleshed story to share.
Writing is an intimate process of creation, akin to playing god. We create life within pages and our minds, conjuring entire societies, their cultures, identities, and norms out of thin air.
It’s amazing how we can explore endless possibilities and find answers within the impossible—all with the tips of our fingers. A good author breathes life into their work, creating characters that feel larger-than-life yet grounded, and evocative worlds far beyond our reality. This is achieved through the power of storytelling, a means of channeling human thoughts, feelings, and experiences into something that feels real.
How do authors achieve this elusive art of writing?
It starts with a good set-up, often the landscape. Beyond establishing scenes, landscapes paint a glimpse of the world for the audience, setting the story's mood. Lush, picturesque imagery evokes a sense of breathtaking awe, capturing our appreciation for beauty. This fascination with beauty, though seemingly irrational, enhances our quality of life in profound ways.

Oscar Wilde’s "The Picture of Dorian Gray" exemplifies literature centered around beauty.
The protagonist's hedonistic world, filled with decadent perfumes, unique instruments, and exquisite gems, reflects his obsession with luxury and beauty.
Wilde engages our senses to illustrate Dorian’s descent into madness, revealing the depths of his depravity and the consequences of his pursuit of eternal youth.
Returning to my work, I find a whole page filled with words I curated to instil a sense of loss. What started as an empty page transformed into an abandoned dancehall, a cruel reminder of time's apathy. Writing is a form of art, a never-ending work in progress. It requires courage to venture into unknown territory, revealing aspects of the author’s inner world. Landscapes, whether physical, mental, emotional, or psychological, serve as foundations for understanding the human condition.
After all, there is no better way to study the world than to hold one in your hands.

Morgana Faye is a short story writer and poet. From thoughts to words, she weaves into a cohesive body of work. Writing allows Morgana time to slow down, collect her thoughts, and present them on paper. To catch those words before they slip from her grasp, forever lost during translation. Though recent, her blossoming interest in the publishing industry marks a pivotal change. Fall 2019 saw her poem “Closer” published in King’s River Review. However, it was not until 2024 that she would consider publishing a viable career path. Even so, Morgana seeks to showcase her skills to the world.