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Winner of the power of hope
Welcome all!
The Power of Hope is not just an anthology but something we want to take out of our bookshelves when times get rough, and give it a read. Immersed with heartfelt and wonderful works of various authors, this anthology is an insight into human emotions, their experiences and how they fought their way away from their lives spiralling down.
I cannot express how honoured I feel to have read all the creative and exquisite pieces of work while judging the contest. I have gone through every single one of submissions. I have to admit I couldn’t help but lose myself in each and every artistic creation submitted to this collection.
To all those who are reading this message right now, you are brave and you’ve got this. Never give up and never lose hope.
With warmest regards,
Esha Shukla

Exhilarating Triumph: The Power of Hope Poetry Contest Unveils its Inspirational Champions!
The winner of this contest is:
1. Quiver- Whitley Akins
Whitley Akins is a fantasy writer with BFA in creative writing from UNCW. Her non-fiction piece It’s a Virgo Thing is featured in The Seahawk newspaper. Whitley's poem, "Star Field" was published in Carolina Muse's latest literary magazine issue. Whitley loves vegan baking, tea, tarot, astrology, K-pop, and any fantasy book she can get her hands on. Her inspiration for poetry and fantasy world-building comes from her love of music and escapism, where she transports herself into the world she is creating. Her fiction centres on sexuality, infinite potential, universal trauma, and bringing secrets to light. Within her poetry, there is a focus on the obscure, and the un-comfortability in things that appear beautiful.
Next, we have:
2. Daniel Sprague- Red Lipstick
Daniel is a 30 y/o male living in Houston, TX. He works at a children's hospital helping with brain surgery. He enjoys working out, playing tennis and adventuring. Red lipstick is concerning his grandparents: his Nana who is still alive, and his papa who is buried. His Papa was buried in a military cemetery in San Antonio. His nana is a traditional lady and always wears red lipstick (much to the chagrin of her grandchildren’s cheeks). When she visits her husband’s grave, she always kisses it leaving a red stain.
Our final Runner up is:
3. Andy Betz- My Life in the Space Between Her Heartbeats
Andy Betz has tutored and taught in excess of 40 years, lives in 1974, and has been married for 30 years. His works are found everywhere a search engine operates.
Cue the confetti for our top finalists too!
4. Brian Yapko- Piano with burn marks
Brian Yapko is a lawyer whose poems have appeared in multiple publications, including New York Quarterly, Gyroscope, Society of Classical Poets, Wingless Dreamer, Prometheus Dreaming and others. His debut science fiction novel, El Nuevo Mundo, was recently published by Rebel Satori Press. His gothic archaeology novel The Bleeding Stone will be published by Rebel Satori in Autumn, 2023. He lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
5. Douglas Colston- The Great Darkness?
Douglas Colston hails from Australia, has played in Ska bands and picked up university degrees, supported his parents during terminal illnesses, developed chronic mental and physical illnesses pursuant to sustained workplace harassment, married his love, fathered two great children, had his inheritance embezzled and among other things, he is pursuing a PhD he hopes will provide a positive contribution to the zeitgeist. In addition to being published in numerous Wingless Dreamer collection, his fiction, nonfiction and poetry has appeared in various anthologies and magazines, including: POETiCA REViEW; Impspired; New Note Poetry; Rue Scribe; Inlandia: A Literary Journey; and Revue {R}évolution.
We have very talented writers with us and we greatly appreciate your participation in “The Power of Hope”.

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