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Love Chronicles Writing Contest 2024
Love Chronicles is a ballad, an ode to the muse of love that guides everyone. Love comes in so many different forms, and its driving force is unparalleled. The works I’ve read have been so incredibly diverse and passionate. I am blown away every day by the power of words to move people., As the day of love approaches, I hope that everyone who contributed to this anthology, and everyone who is reading this, takes time to cherish themselves and their loved ones.
I felt incredibly privileged to read and immerse myself all the creative and exquisite works while judging the contest. I found all of them incredibly riveting and unforgettable. Judging and picking winners was incredibly difficult, because all of the works were phenomenal.
I hope this anthology reaches everyone who wants to read and reflect on the shades of love, and that everyone reading this keeps following the threads of inspiration they find!
Warm regards,
Mrunal Rajadhyaksha

Announcing the love-ly winners of the Love Chronicles contest!
Here is the winner of the contest:
Sylvie is a Seattle-based poet and songwriter. She holds a BA in biology from Smith College, and her poems often feature themes of nature and animals.
The runner ups are:
1. Lindsey Claycomb – “SHRINKING”
Lindsey Claycomb is an aspiring poet white-knuckling her way through life in Wichita, Kansas. She lives with her husband of 10 years and her two rescued mutts, Lou and Pearl.
M.S. Blues is a multiracial, queer, and versatile writer. Her work revolves around the darker pieces of humanity society tends to neglect. She has been published over 42 times. She currently resides in California, and serves as an editor to The Amazine, Adolescence Magazine, and The Kaleidoscope. Her Instagram handle is @m.s.blues_
Our top finalists are:
1. Kirsty Miles
Kirsty Miles has recently graduated from the University of Oxford with a degree in English Literature. She is now doing an MA in scriptwriting at The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama. Her poems have appeared in Lucky Lizard Journal, Tin Can Poetry, and Dusk Magazine. Instagram: kirstymiles_writes
2. Ben Macnair
Ben Macnair is an award-winning poet and playwright from Staffordshire in the United Kingdom. Follow him on Twitter @benmacnair

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